Colored table cloths, plates, silverware, napkins for all children.
Free Class Certificate for all guests
LSC drawstring backpack for Birthday Star!
Birthday Glasses
LSC drawstring backpacks for all Kids
4 x large pizzas (pepperoni/cheese)
4 x 2 liter drinks of choice
Birthday Themed "Selfie Station" with Props
custom colors/themes may not be available if party is not scheduled with enough notice. Please try to schedule at least 30 days in advance when possible.
(2 hour & 15 mins of gym time, 45 mins in party room)
Includes 3 Instructors supervising
5 tables & 26 chairs included (set-up included)
30 mins set-up/ 15 mins clean up
Themed** table cloths, plates, silverware, napkins for all children.
Free Class Certificate for all guests
LSC drawstring backpack for Birthday Star!
Birthday Glasses
LSC drawstring backpacks for all attending kids
6 large pizzas (pepperoni/cheese)
6 2 liter drinks of choice
Birthday Themed "Selfie Station" with Props
custom colors/themes may not be available if party is not scheduled with enough notice. Items are provded to child guests that attend only. **Our LSC themes are Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance, or Martial Arts.
Our LSC themes are Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance, or Martial Arts.